1. Does DANS- Diabetes and NutritionServices, LLC have a physical location in a hospital?
No, DANS use a virtual platform to see patients only.
2. Does DANS provide counseling services individually or group?
Both, but mostly individually. If you need group nutrition sessions, please contact via email ( or by phone at 501-703-0882.
3. Does DANS provide weekend appointments?
No, but if you call us (501-703-0882) on the weekends, please leave your name and number with a brief message. Someone will contact you during week- day (M-F) business hours.
4. What are DANS’ business hours?
Tuesdays and Wednesdays (9am-3pm); Thursdays-1:30-3pm
5. What insurances does DANS accept?
Aetna, Medicare, Ambetter/Qual -Choice and United Health Care
6. What is DANS’ “No show” policy?
Cancel appointments within 24 hours, to prevent being sent a bill for $25.00. No shows will be charged $25.00 to credit card or a bill will be sent to the address on file.
7. What is DANS’ “Late” policy?
There is a 5 minute grace period. After 5 minutes, you will have to call to reschedule?
8. What is DANS’ ” Refund” policy?
A full refund is given within 48 business hours if you have any of the following issues:
Have an emergency, scheduling difficulties, or technical difficulties. In order to receive your refund, please email us @ with an explanation for the refund.